👋 Meet John, a KTA supporter from Boiling Springs, Pa! Q: What makes hiking in Pennsylvania special/meaningful to you? A: "The next mile with its imaginary anticipation; the last mile for its unexpected rewards." Q: What type of hiking do you typically prefer most often? A: "Of late, exploring side treks from main trails. " Q: When did you start hiking? A: "1952-1960 and again 1972-current." Q: What are you currently excited about in your hiking life? A: "Exploration and discovery with buddies." Q: Which hiking trails do you enjoy/recommend that are near where you live? A: "AT, Michaux SF, Tuscarora SF, PaConservancy Trails (LeTort Spring, Cove Mtn} Gettysburg Battlefield, SouthMiddleton parks)" Q: Which hiking trails do you recommend (anywhere in PA)? A: "AT, State Forest Trails (particularly those associated with KTA's SFTA), State Park Trails" Q: What do you value most about KTA's mission? A: "Creation and Maintenance of PATrails via Hiking Clubs and volunteers." Do you care about providing, protecting, preserving, and promoting recreational hiking trails and hiking opportunities in Pennsylvania? That's why KTA is here! Help ensure this mission continues to be fulfilled. https://www.kta-hike.org/donate.html Comments are closed.
Keystone Trails AssociationSubmissions welcome! |