Dear Member,
Get out there and bring a friend on a hike! I want to thank you for your efforts in furthering our mission of providing, preserving, protecting, and promoting recreational hiking trails and hiking opportunities in Pennsylvania. Each of you make a difference on Pennsylvania hiking trails and hikers. Our 40th anniversary KTA Trail Care program in 2024 marches on into fall with many more opportunities to give back to the trails you love so much. Plan to participate in one or more of the remaining trail cares - even if it’s for only one day. Check out our website for details. We are looking for nominations for individuals and clubs for Certificates of Achievement, Volunteer of the Year, Club of the Year, and the Citation Award for lifetime achievement. Nominations for these awards are due by September 15. Surely there are great things happening by our volunteers and clubs that we wish to recognize. Make sure you plan to submit for your hiking award or encorage others who have completed hiking trails to submit for their award. The hiking awards are also listed on our website. Your gift to our Keystone Trails Endowment fund this year will make a positive impact in furthering our mission. In particular, toward member Club mini grants that have been making an impact in the local clubs on various trails. Plan to make a gift now. Recognition of the gifts will be made at the Fall Annual Meeting. Be sure to register now for our KTA Fall Annual Meeting will be nestled among the many hikes and activities at the Keystone Hiking & Outdoor Weekend in the Susquehanna Riverlands of Pennsylvania on October 18-20. This will be a great family event. Plan to sign up and bring a friend. At our fall membership meeting we will recognize individuals who have completed hiking awards throughout the year so please be sure to submit your applications which are available on our website. We will recognize those who have attended our Trail Cares throughout the year. There will be recognitions for our Keystone Trail Endowment donors, Certificates of Achievement, Volunteer of the Year, Club of the Year, and the KTA Citation Award for Lifetime Achievement recipient. On behalf of the Board and the membership I want to thank our Executive Director, Brook, and all our staff for the wonderful job they are doing to further our mission. For the trails and those who wander on them! See you on the Trail! Thanks Wayne E. Gross President, Board of Directors Keystone Trails Association The Statewide voice of Pennsylvania Hikers Comments are closed.
Keystone Trails AssociationSubmissions welcome! |