Event Cancelled for 2024
We regret to inform you that this year's race has been cancelled due to increased yellow jacket activity on the trail, posing safety concerns for participants and volunteers. Thank you for your understanding.
We regret to inform you that this year's race has been cancelled due to increased yellow jacket activity on the trail, posing safety concerns for participants and volunteers. Thank you for your understanding.
What's in store for 2024?
- The 2024 Trail Challenge 25K runs north-to-south following the route introduced last year. You'll start on the course from Pequea Creek Campground, take on the harsh ascent to the Pinnacle Overlook, continue down into Kelly's Run, and cross the finish line in Susquehannock State Park. Picnic and exhibitors will be located at the second pavilion in the park.
- Race-day check-in 6:15-7:15am at Susquehannock State Park.
- Shuttles depart at 7:30am from Susquehannock State Park to the start-line at Pequea on race-day. Finish the hike back at your car. No more waiting on the shuttle in the afternoon.
- The Iron Mettle Medal returns. We've partnered with Central Pennsylvania Conservancy's again to bring you this double challenge for a second year in a row. Runners and hikers who finish both the KTA Trail Challenge 25K and the CPC Ironmaster's Challenge 15K, 20Mile, or 50K will receive this exclusive award.
- All participants receive: a hearty meal at the finish line picnic, a Trail Challenge long sleeve tee, and a one-year membership to Keystone Trails Association. Finishers also receive a wood carved finisher medallion.