September's lone Trail Care Event on the Golden Eagle Trail 9/21-24 was a success! The rain on Saturday and Sunday from tropical storm Ophelia did change our work plans a bit, but we still accomplished a lot!
16 hearty and dedicated volunteers contributed 200 hours of trail work to this much beloved trail, plus an additional 20 hours from forestry staff. All sorts of fun was had, such as DR mowing, brushcutting, rebenching trail segments, and installing trail posts/signs at trail intersections. About 7 miles of trail were improved, plus 6 signs "planted". Much thanks to Chris Anderson, Tom Bastian, Shira Blady, Chris Brady, Al Germann, Martyann Gutierrez, Liz Lingle, Woody Loudenslager, Brian MacNamara, Dave Mitchell, Tom O'Donnell, Tony Robbins, Ben Sands, Rick Stibgen, Donna Thompson, and Jenn Ulmer. Thanks also to Tony for cooking a wonderful meal Friday night! Comments are closed.
Keystone Trails AssociationSubmissions welcome! |